Best Table Top Fabric Steamers

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If you’re more likely to need a garment steamer at home than on your travels, but you’re not looking for an industrial size machine, there’s a range of tabletop steamers available.

With more power than a handheld garment steamer, but light enough to be moved if needed, a table top garment steamer could be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

It should definitely be considered a must-have for the businessperson, dandy, or suave person about town.

Tabletop garment steamers are ideal for those living in apartments, who may not have the space to set up an ironing board, but still want to look sharp. 

Why not invest in a table top garment steamer to get your day off to a sharp, crease-free start, and a handheld steamer to undo the damage caused by your subway commute?

Comparison Chart

41YkPB6bX2L. SL500
Steamfast SF-680 Digital Steam Press
41nyppdmVOL. SL500
Steamfast SP-660 Steam Press
31UdJQNFNqL. SL500
SINGER | Magic ESP-2 Electronic Steam
31tRz8Lhi3L. SL500
Pyle PSTMP95 Pure Clean Steam Press
41JV7BDTZ6L. SL500
Conair Portable Tabletop Fabric Steamer (GS65)

Table Top Fabric Steamer Reviews

1. Steamfast SF-680 Digital Fabric Steam Press

41YkPB6bX2L. SL500

Steamfast’s new SF-680 jumps straight in at the top of this particular chart.

With the same water capacity (10 ounces) and heat-up time (3 minutes) as the 660 model that was our previous top pick, it scores big by having a lot of extra space to work with. It’s 25 inches by 10.5 inches, and you’ll really appreciate the extra area when pressing larger items.

Pull the unit mostly closed but not touching your fabric, then unleash the steam! It works great, even on heavier things like jeans.

A beep alerts you if you’ve left the unit closed for too long, and it defaults to the lowest heat setting on every use. Smart, safe, choices.

Read our full review of the Steamfast SF-680 Digital Fabric Steam Press.

2. Steamfast SP-660

41nyppdmVOL. SL500

The Steamfast SP-660 offers you seven times more surface area than an ironing board, yet sits on your counter top.

Being both portable and easy to store, there’s nothing stopping you popping this garment steamer in the trunk when you go off on vacation, or take that business trip.

No more hoping the hotel has an iron, or risking turning up looking less than your best.

Some people may find that the SP-660 simply takes too long to heat up. If you have the space for an iron and ironing board, the old ways can be the best, but, with a little bit of planning and preparation, the SP-660 can be the perfect addition to your laundry room.

Switch it on while your clothes are in the drier, and it should be ready to use once they’re done.

It’s also ideal for the “final touch”, getting the last, stubborn wrinkles out once you’ve finished ironing. Stubborn wrinkles that will resist even the most experienced ironing hand are a particular problem on 100% linen garments – which are often the very garments that look and feel best when the weather’s warm, and the sun is high!

Don’t risk having to wear second best – iron, steam, head out and impress.

3. Singer ESP-2 Magic

31UdJQNFNqL. SL500

The Singer ESP-2 Magic provides 100lb of pressure to smooth away wrinkles and creases. Despite its extra-large pressing surface, the Singer is easy to transport. The electronic temperature setting and auto shut off provide intuitive use and complete peace of mind.

While Singer’s customer support leaves a lot to be desired, many people will prefer to look for the answer to their question online, rather than phone customer services. From some of the comments, going online for help should be your first response here.

There have been comments that it would be easier to iron than to use the Singer, but ironing isn’t always an option.

While you can’t always take an ironing board with you, this table top garment steamer is easy to transport, making it ideal for vacations and business trips. And, if you live in an apartment, you may not have the floor space for an ironing board at all.

At that point, a tabletop garment steamer comes completely into its own. Just because space is at a premium, you needn’t worry about losing your edge.

Small definitely can be beautiful – when that small is your living space, and the beautiful is your look, it’s all about finding space-saving solutions.

4. Pyle PSTMP95

31tRz8Lhi3L. SL500

The Pyle PSTMP95 is 50% faster than ironing, making this garment steamer ideal for when you’re in a hurry, or just can’t be bothered spending you’re whole evening on a pile of laundry.

After all, everyone’s got better things to do, and time is money. Why waste it when you don’t have to?

The PSTMP95 has a large, non-stick surface, and digital controls. Easy to use, and suitable for any size of garment, you’ll definitely want to add the PSTMP95 table top garment steamer to your laundry room.

It also offers a steam transport function, meaning you can right up in the face of that one stubborn wrinkle. Go on, be bold – blast that sucker out of existence! This is ideal for those times when creating a good first impression is paramount, and “good enough” simply isn’t.

The PSTMP95 is prone to warping, but this is unfortunately a drawback of almost all table top garment steamers.

Hopefully, as garment steamers rise through the ranks of popularity, manufacturers will take steps to address this issue in design. Until then, don’t worry – you should still get plenty of use out of your garment steamer.

The PSTMP95 also makes life easier by providing a refillable water reservoir, and a funnel, so the water level can be topped up without needing to stop steaming.

5. Conair Portable Table Top Fabric Steamer

41JV7BDTZ6L. SL500

Finally, the Conair Portable Table Top Fabric Steamer can provide up to 75 mins of continuous steam – more than enough to make a dent in your laundry pile!

The concentrated steam is up to 50% hotter than other garment steamers, which can be the difference between the stubborn shadow of a crease that defies everything, and a smooth, flawless finish.

The Conair sends its steam deep into the weave of your fabric, teasing out even the most troublesome of creases.

With a compact design that makes it ideal for taking on vacation or business, the Conair also comes with a lint brush, a soft brush, and a creaser to put that sharp edge in pants or skirt pleats.

This garment steamer really does provide the ultimate fabric care package for those who want to look their best wherever they are.

As with all table top garment steamers, the Conair does take a while to heat up.

It’s also a little on the heavy side, so best put in the trunk rather than your rucksack.